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About Us

The Farmer

“I am here because I love being part of something that is changing the island for the better” admits our Head Farmer Marina Morán Jou. After studying Environmental Science at college specializing in Organic Agriculture, Spanish born Marina enjoyed a series of important roles connected to organic farming before joining the Terra Masia project in 2016. It is her vision that has not only produced a working farm but also a beacon of hope for the island’s burgeoning organic farming scene. Working with the earth is in Marina’s blood. Hailing from a farming lineage she has followed the path of her father and grandparents, but along the way she has created her own methods. Marina doesn’t like to define her farming style, instead, she investigates approaches and tests techniques to see what works for the land. “I don’t like to put labels on the methods I use,” she says.



“I listen to the land. My job is to recover the fertility of the soil. All my efforts and the work I do comes back to this and my love of the land.” Marina leads the farm’s ambition to become an emblematic benchmark for other organic farms and an international example of eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture. “We are definitely moving in the right direction, but we have to make sure everyone is educated what we are eating and the impact it has before it is too late.”

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About Us

Our History

The land that Terra Masia (which means farmland in Catalan) proudly sits on has been an important part of Ibiza’s farming industry as far back as the 1970s when the previous farm was producing cereal for animals and oranges and lemons from it’s vast citrus orchards. After laying abandoned and unloved for many years, Terra Masia opened its gates in 2018 after a strenuous two-year battle clearing the land, recovering the health of the trees, fertilizing and nourishing the soil and planting thousands of seeds. Today the 56 hectares of farmland are flourishing under the devoted guidance of Marina Morán Jou and as the island’s largest organic farm, has become an oasis of blooming beauty open for all to behold.

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About Us